Stowarzyszenie Ruch Wspólnot Obronnych
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Epidemiology and CBRNE Security – Decade of experience

March 11-13 2024,  Hotel ‘Zamek Ryn’


  1. The Association of Defense Communities Movement, the Epidemiological Response Centre of the Polish Armed Forces, the Military Institute of Armament Technology, The Department of Disaster and Emergency Medicine of the Jagiellonian University – Medical College, The Optoelectronic Institute of the Military University of Technology and Polish Naval Academy, shall be Organizers of the 10th International Scientific Conference Epimilitaris 2024: Epidemiology and CBRNE Security – Decade of experience, hereinafter referred to as the Organizers.
  2. The Association of Defense Communities Movement registered under the KRS number 0000120154, shall receive online registration of the conference participants.
  3. Any entity, natural or legal person, particularly student, PhD student, scientific employee,  representative of an institution, a unit or a company, who complies with all items laid down in Section II(1) of these Terms and Conditions of  Participation may be a participant in the event.
  4. Provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall form an integral part of the registration to participate in the Conference and shall be binding for all the Participants.
  5. Submission of the registration to the Organizer shall imply that the Participant has accepted these Terms and Conditions as well as assumed obligations binding for the parties.
  6. The Organizer reserves the right to change the dates of the conference or to cancel it.


  1. The status of a participant in the 10th International Scientific Conference Epimilitaris 2024: “Epidemiology and CBRNE Security – Decade of experience”, shall be granted provided that all of the following provisions are met:
  • Registration shall be performed only through the online registration form;
  • Receiving the registration confirmation from the organizer through the online system. If no registration confirmation is received within 48 hours after the actual registration, you are requested to notify us of this fact using the following email address –;
  • Payment of the registration fee shall be made within 7 calendar days after receiving the registration confirmation by email, however not later than 10 days before the planned date of the event. If you do not make the payment, you will be automatically deleted from the list of participants as well as duly notified of this fact via email.
  • Any other payment dates shall be agreed with the Organizer in writing (contact:
  1. Two forms of participation in the event are available:
  • Passive participation – a passive participant who has met all the conditions of participation listed in paragraph 1is entitled to receive a certificate of participation in the event, conference materials and gadgets, and participate in events listed in the agenda. A person registered for the Conference being a co-author of the presentation who however shall not be involved in delivering the submitted speech shall also be a passive participant;
  • Active participation – an active participant who has met all the conditions of participation listed in paragraph 1will be able to deliver submitted speeches, as well as is entitled to receive a certificate of participation in the event, conference materials and gadgets, a certificate confirming the speech delivery, and participate in events listed in the agenda.  
  1. Presentations submitted for the Conference may involve up to three authors, where at least one of the authors shall be obliged to deliver the presentation during the Conference. It is possible to depart from the limitation of the maximum number of authors, however this fact shall be notified in advance by email at:
    such changes need to be approved by all members of the Organizing Committee.
  2. The participant is obliged to timely register the topic of the presentation, amend it if appropriate or introduce changes in its content. The topic submission process shall be complete after you have received an email containing information whether the topic has been approved or rejected. If a participant does not receive an email concerning the topic submitted within 14 days after its registration, he/she is required to contact the Organizing Committee to clarify reasons of the delay.
  3. All participants will be able to publish their works in the form of a chapter in a scientific monograph provided that all requirements listed at have been met. The full text of the paper that has been appropriately formatted according to a template published at the website and marked with the reference Epimilitaris, should be sent at e-mail address: in accordance with the timetable published on the Conference website.


  1. The deadline for online registration to take part in the Conference expires on March 2nd 2024. After this date, the online registration will not be available, unless the Organizer extends the registration deadline.
  2. Students, PhD students, scientific employees, representatives of institutions, units or companies, other stakeholders and natural persons shall be entitled to take part in the Conference. The Organizer has the right to refuse participation of a participant, without stating reasons for this decision.
  3. The Organizer drafts the Conference agenda and has the right to amend it, even on the date when the event is held, including the right to change the time of presentations and sequence of the presentations.
  4. The Organizer has the right to choose the submitted topics and qualify them for presentation in the form of speeches or in the form of a poster as well as reject a proposed topic.
  5. The Organizer shall not be responsible for these belongings of the Participants that can be lost, damaged or stolen during the Conference.
  6. The participant shall be fully responsible for any damage caused in premises where Conference-related activities will be held.
  7. The participant shall be fully responsible for any materials and information he/she presents, including the name/logo, advertisement, insert, banners, stands, roll-up, presentations and advertising materials. The participant shall also be fully responsible for any spoken contributions expressed by him/her as well as by his/her representatives and presentations delivered during the Conference.
  8. The participant undertakes to comply with safety rules, including fire protection rules, as well as instructions and organizational and technical orders of the Organizer.


  1. In order to participate in the conference the participant is required to make the registration payment within the period of 14 days after receiving the registration confirmation (regardless whether the participant has received an email confirming that his/her proposed presentation topic has been approved – where appropriate) and not later than 10 days before the date of the Event. The amount of the payment shall depend on the date of completing the online registration form (with the exception of paragraph IV.3) The participant shall be entitled to reimbursement of the registration fee paid only in the case where his/her  topic has been rejected by the Organizing Committee.
  1. FEES

           Cost of participation per person:

  • Price by 31.01.2024                                                          1300 PLN
  • After 31.01.2024 and not later than 02.03.2024        1400 PLN
  1. In justified cases, provided that it has been agreed with the organizer in advance, participants will be able to make payment after the conference (however not later than 7 days after its completion). The invoice shall be sent electronically to the email address provided during the registration. A paper version of the invoice will be available for collection during the conference.
  2. Method of payment

The fees should be paid by bank transfers, to the following bank account of the Organizer:

Stowarzyszenie Ruch Wspólnot Obronnych
ul. 11-go Listopada 17/19
03-446 Warszawa

ING Bank Śląski S.A.

IBAN: PL 89 1050 1025 1000 0022 7545 6594 Code BIC Swift: INGBPLPW


Please remember to write the participant’s first and last name and ‘Epimilitaris 2024’ in the title of your bank transfer.

-or paid in cash during conference (only in PLN)


  1. A Participant may resign from taking part in the Conference only by sending a relevant information to the following email address: e-mail:
  2. The registration fee and the other fees shall not be reimbursed if the cancellation takes place after January 31th 2024, with the exception of the case described in Section IV (1) of these Terms and Conditions.
  3. After expiry of this deadline the cancelation or absence in the conference shall give rise to an obligation of paying the full cost of participation based on a receipt issued by the Association of Defense Communities Movement.
  4. The lack of payment shall not mean the cancellation of your participation in the Conference. If you are unable to take part in the conference, you can nominate another participant.


  1. The Participant declares that he/she consents to using and publishing his/her image by the Association of Defense Communities Movement and partners for the purpose of advertising, promotion, and marketing relating to organization and information about the Conference.
  2. This consent is not limited based on time or territory and covers all forms of publication, particularly advertising posters, leaflets, printed promotional materials, TV spots, ads in newspapers and magazines, on Internet, etc.
  3. The participant hereby waives any (present and future) claims, including claims for remuneration, due for using his/her image within the scope laid down in paragraph 2.


1. The event participant hereby declares that he/she agrees to have his/her personal data processed as necessary to deliver the event (pursuant to the Law of 10 May 2018 on the Protection of Personal Data; consolidated text: Dz. U. of 2018 item 1000, and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC – General Data Protection Regulation ‘GDPR’ – ‘RODO’ as well as consents to receiving information on events and projects implemented by the Conference Organizers.

2. Stowarzyszenie Ruch Wspólnot Obronnych (the Association of Defense Communities Movement), ul. 11-tego Listopada 17/19, 03-446 Warszawa shall be the Administrator of personal data of the participants. The Administrator has designated an individual responsible for the data protection, whom you can contact using the following email address: on any matter concerning processing personal data of a participant of the event. The Administrator shall perform operations of processing your personal data in terms of your first and last name, military rank, scientific title and degree, institution, residence address, correspondence, email address, telephone number, and invoice details, such as the first and last name, institution, NIP number of the institution. This data shall be processed for purposes relating to the Conference, correspondence with the participant and drafting a database of participants.

3. Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR – RODO Regulation shall constitute the basis to process the personal data. 

4. The period of processing participants’ personal details will cover the time of initiating the registration till the end of the event or the conduct of statutory activities of the Administrator, however not later than the time where the participant submits an effective objection. The period of the personal data processing may be any time extended by the time of limitations for claims, if the personal data processing is necessary to  redress or defend against such claims by the Administrator. After this period the data shall only be processed to the extent and during the time required by the rules of law. The participant provides his/personal data on voluntary basis, and in the cases where the data is not provided, the registration process, and ultimately participation in the Conference, may turn impossible. The participant’s data may be disclosed to organizers of the event, an accounting firm and lawyers, and it will be transferred pursuant to a personal data outsourcing agreement.

5. The participant has the right of access to the personal data, the right to rectify the personal data, the right to erase the personal data, the right to limit access to the personal data, the right to transfer the personal data, the right to object to processing of the personal data, the right to object to processing of the personal data for the purpose of forwarding marketing contents to the participant, and the right to lodge a complaint to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

6. The personal data shall not be subject to automated decision making, including profiling.

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Stowarzyszenie Ruch
Wspólnot Obronnych
ul. 11 Listopada 17/19

03-446 Warszawa

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