
Epidemiology and CBRN Security – Innovations, Technologies and Practice
April 11-13 2022, Hotel ‘Zamek Ryn’.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
- The Epidemiological Response Centre of the Polish Armed Forces,
- The Association of Defence Communities Movement,
- The Military Institute of Armament Technology,
- The Department of Disaster and Emergency Medicine of the Jagiellonian University – Medical College
- Institute of Optoelectronics – Military University of Technology
would cordially like to invite you to take part in the eight edition of the ‘Epimilitaris’ Scientific Conference: ‘Epidemiology and CBRN Security – Innovations, Technologies and Practice’, which will be held on April 11-13 2022 in Hotel ‘Zamek Ryn’.
This year’s agenda will include the following topics:
- Security aspects in contemporary social sciences.
- Epidemiology of infectious diseases which are biological warfare agents.
- Epidemiology of non-infectious diseases which pose risks to health of uniformed services.
- Recognising threats resulting from the use of CBRN. Monitoring of incidents, environmental reconnaissance, medical intelligence.
- Identification of CBRN agents. Procedures, techniques and new technologies.
- How to proceed in a contaminated area? Forensics, triage, environmental aspects, paramedic in the contaminated area. Medical evacuation from the contaminated area.
- Hospital as a stage of handling contaminated patient.
- Preparations in terms of CBRN security.
- Management of a crisis situation after an incident in which CBRN agents have been used.
- Restoring resilience in hybrid war.
- Non-military defence preparations and crisis management in the national security system.
- Health protection as an element of the critical state infrastructure.
- Modern techniques and technologies to support national security.
- Security problems in contemporary security science.
- Covid – 19 – experiences and conclusions
The Conference is to provide a platform to share and expand knowledge on epidemiology and CBRN security in the context of threats to health after the use of CBRN agents. Therefore the conference topics concern a wide range of activities undertaken throughout the process of responding to the threat: preparation and prevention, and actions performed both during the incident and also after its occurrence.
The Conference Agenda also covers thematic workshops. Representatives of both Polish and foreign (the U.S.A., the Czech Republic and Slovakia) uniformed services have been invited to deliver these lectures.
As in the previous years, participants will receive credit points. Scientific reports will be published in a conference monograph with a specific ISBN number.
I would like to invite you to visit our website at and where you will be able to find up-to-date and necessary information. You will also be able to use these sites for the purpose of e-registration, using an online application form.
On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committee

Organizational matters:
- Stowarzyszenie Ruch Wspólnot Obronnych (Association of Defence Communities Movement)
- – organizational matters, submitting papers for publication and sending presentations.
- – financial matters and sending written cancellations of participation in the conference.
- Centrum Reagowania Epidemiologicznego SZ RP (Epidemiological Response Centre of the Polish Armed Forces)
- Zespół Analiz; Tel. 261 892 540, 261 892 767,